A 60-minute class that incorporates conscious breathwork along with a sequence of dynamic and energetic poses designed to increase strength, flexibility and balance in the body, mind and spirit.
Join Brownsburg Public Library for a screening of the Their Eyes Were Watching God (2005) starring Halle Berry. This movie is a classic adaptation of the novel by Zora Neale Hurston. Snacks and drinks will not be
Accompanying Caregiver
This program is designed for children and their accompanying adult caregiver. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.
Photographs are often captured at our programs and events. If you don’t want an image used in the future to share via social media or use in library marketing, please let a member of our staff know.
Join Crouching Tigers! Each Crouching Tigers class is jam-packed with fitness, character development, martial arts, self-defense, safety, and games.
Join Crouching Tigers! Each Crouching Tigers class is jam-packed with fitness, character development, martial arts, self-defense, safety, and games.
Crouching Tigers TIGERS (5 - 8 years old)
Join Crouching Tigers! Each Crouching Tigers class is jam-packed with fitness, character development, martial arts, self-defense, safety, and games.
This program is an introduction of the many origins (Pagan, Nordic, Celtic, Christian, and Swedish) of Christmas. Modern Christian traditions will be discussed as well as the Christmas Carol, Krampus, Ice Elves, Mari Lwyd, Yule, St.
The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.
Photographs are often captured at our programs and events. If you don’t want an image used in the future to share via social media or use in library marketing, please let a member of our staff know.